
L.Marmureanu, N. A. Geamana, 2012. The Need For Education And Public Awareness Campaign In Natura 2000 Sites. J ENVIRON PROT ECOL, 13(4), pp. 2423-2432.

 Title: The Need For Education And Public Awareness Campaign In Natura 2000 Sites


The purpose of this paper is to highlight the awareness campaign impact on biodiversity conservation, required by national and international legislation in Natura 2000 network designation process. Obligations regarding public participation and public awareness related to Habitats Directive 92/43 EEC and Birds Directive 79/409 EEC were accomplished by Romanian Government using 2 approaches. One was represented by local meetings organised by the Local Environmental Agencies and the second one was passive, through the Internet. This second approach was made through an on-line interface for filling in the standard forms of Natura 2000 sites made available by the Ministry of Environment. During the past years, in the framework of two international projects (EVALUWET and AQUAMONEY), were carried out researches to identify attitudes, values and knowledge of local population from Neajlov catchment. The first study was carried out during 2003 in Neajlov catchment using the questionnaire as a tool to investigate people attitudes, behaviours and knowledge. It will be considered a reference one, because this study was made before the Natura 2000 sites designation. Also it was used to identify whether significant differences exist between opinions of local population from inside or outside of the area of interest. The next study was carried out one year after the sites were designated, in 2008, using as a tool a mixed questionnaire. Using these analyses we were capable to underline the impact of biodiversity conservation awareness campaigns in protected areas.



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