
M. I. Rusu, R. Savastru, D. Savastru, D. Tenciu, C. R. Iordanescu, I. D. Feraru, C. N. Zoita, R. Notonier, A. Tonetto, C. Chassigneux, O. Monnereau, L. Tortet, C. E. A. Grigorescu, Pulsed laser deposition of (Co, Fe)-doped ZnSnSb and MnGeSb thin films on silicon, APPL SURF SCI, vol. 284, pp. 950-955, 0169-4332, 2013

 Title: Pulsed laser deposition of (Co, Fe)-doped ZnSnSb and MnGeSb thin films on silicon


Films of the material systems ZnSnSb and MnGeSb doped with Fe and Co respectively have been grown by pulsed laser deposition on silicon. Room temperature Hall effect measurements show that all Fe-doped PLD films are n-type whereas MnGeSb:Co ones are p-type. Carrier concentrations vary with film thickness, resulting in ∼1017–1018cm−3 for ZnSnSb:Fe and ∼1020–1021cm−3 for MnGeSb:Co films. Carrier mobilities are of the order 102 cm2/Vs in the MnGeSb:Co films and between 102 and 103 cm2/V s in ZnSnSb:Fe. Curie points above room temperature have been found for samples of both material systems.

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