
Fluid power field is characterized by specialized equipment whose performances are framed in terms of increasingly stringent requirements imposed by technological practice worldwide. 
Testing laboratory of hydraulic equipment for medium and high pressure of INOE 2000 - IHP is dedicated to functional tests that will lead to achieving realistic characterization of performances of tested equipment;

The testing laboratory is accredited by the Accreditation Association of Romania RENAR. 
Equipment under tests: hydraulic valves RD6 ... RD20, hydraulic directional control valves RD6 ... RD20, electro hydraulic servo valves for maximum 150 l/min. 
The specialized stands are equipped with cutting edge devices, the generation of working fluid is performed by modern pumping modules that provide pumping rates between 0...170 l/min, maximum pressure 350 bar; control and distribution equipment is included in the data acquisition system so that the working parameters can be adjusted directly by the user from within the testing application. 
Monitoring of functional parameters is performed using the data acquisition system that includes modern transducers to determine pressure, flow, displacement, data acquisition boards, and computing machinery. The specific testing applications are developed using TestPoint platform. 
It should be pointed out that to meet the requirements of European directives, the functional tests on hydraulic equipment are performed in accordance with the prescriptions inside the harmonized European standard EN SR 982 which establishes security requirements related to hydraulic and pneumatic actuation systems and their components.


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