
5 April 2012, 10:00 hrs a.m., at the Technical University from Cluj–Napoca, 28, Memorandumului St., room #20


North-West Regional Development Agency together with INCDO – INOE 2000, ICIA Cluj-Napoca subsidiary, through Technology Transfer Center CENTI are organizing on 5 April 2012, 10:00 hrs a.m., at the Technical University from Cluj–Napoca, 28, Memorandumului St., room #20, the event: 


Workshop for TREC cluster constitution


The event is organized within the subproject TREC -Trans-national Renewable Energy Cluster and financed by the European Fund for Regional Development, INTERREG IVC program, SMART+ subproject

Within this workshop, the participants will discuss on the Regulations and Rules of Operation of the cluster, as well as on members’ needs and future development proposals. The founding members of TREC cluster will then sign the Association Agreement. 

The workshop agenda also includes a presentation of recent funding opportunities.

The purpose of TREC subproject is to transfer good practices in the field of constituting associative structures, such as clusters, as well as to ensure an information flow in the renewable energy sector, by involving interested organizations from the regions of the 3 countries: Romania, Greece and Germany. The aim is to strengthen the collaboration and cooperation between SMEs, RDI institutions, local authorities, as well as other institutions which offer related services in the field of renewable energy, in order to obtain mutual economic, social and regional development benefits.

TREC subproject is implemented under the coordination of North-West Regional Development Agency, together with other 4 partners: INCDO – INOE 2000, ICIA Cluj-Napoca subsidiary, through Technology Transfer Center CENTI, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas / Institute for Solid Fuels Technology & Applications, CERTH/ISFTA, Western Macedonia region, Greece, Waste Management of Western Macedonia, DIADYMA SA, Greece, and German Biomass Research Centre, DBFZ, Saxony region, Germany.

The first meeting on this project took place in December, 8, 2011, when 14 institutions and companies participating in the event signed the Declaration of interest for setting up the renewable energy cluster in Cluj County.

Friday the 14th. Copyright © INOE 2012
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