
 Organized by INCDO – INOE 2000, ICIA Cluj-Napoca subsidiary, through Technology Transfer Center CENTI, together with National Agency for Development of Small and Medium Enterprises Bratislava (Slovacia), as Enterprise Europe Network organizations, in partnership with Expo Incheba, Bratislava, at the exhibition area Expo Incheba, Bratislava, Slovakia.

CONECO is an international business-to-business brokerage event for companies and organisations within construction industry, energy, heating, air-conditioning and investment to the construction industry.
The brokerage event CONECO will take place on 28th March 2012, in connection with the international trade fairs:
•33rd Slovakia’s largest construction industry fair CONECO
•22nd international fair of Rationalisation of Energy RACIOENERGIA
•16th international fair of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning CLIMATHERM
•6th presentation of Investment Intents CONECOINVEST
•8th Property fair SLOVREALINVEST.
The fair’s outstanding quality, robust attendance rates and extensive media coverage are the reasons why your company should not absent on the participants’ list.
We will be honored if you choose the Brokerage event CONECO to be a partner for your business and marketing goals! We are looking forward to seeing you on 28th of March, 2012!
Sectors: industry
5.investment to the construction industry and more.
Tuesday the 25th. Copyright © INOE 2012
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