
C. Vasiliu, G. Epurescu, H. Niciu, O. Dumitrescu, C. Negrilă, M. Elisa, M. Filipescu, M. Dinescu, C. E. A. Grigorescu, Optical and structural investigations on rare earth-doped thin films of phosphate glasses prepared by pulsed laser deposition, J. Mater. Sci.: Materials in Electronics, 20/1 (2009) 282-285


Title: Optical and structural investigations on rare earth-doped thin films of phosphate glasses prepared by pulsed laser deposition

Abstract: Thin films of phosphate glasses were prepared by pulsed laser deposition in oxygen atmosphere on ITO-coated glass and silicon substrates respectively, using a Nd:YAG laser (266 nm). The targets were Li(2)O-Al(2)O(3)-P(2)O(5) bulk glasses doped with Pr and Nd. Infrared transmission-, energy dispersive X-ray- and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy investigations carried out on targets as well as on the deposited films proved a satisfactory compositions transfer on both substrates. Scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy show continuous films with glassy spheres. Processes where substrates were positioned perpendicularly to targets produced discontinuous drops free films.

Key words: thin films, phosphate glasses, PLD, rare earth

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